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Question: I am trying to install and test a site before pointing the domain name. What is the temp of http: path/ to get to a new account on the system?

Hi, please indicate \"auto\".

Question: auto ? you mean account ?


Question: Yes I understand that I mean for example I have user with mccallaraymer.com but I want to run and test the site before pointing their domain to it. Normally with my last host that would be http://IPADDRESS/UserName to get to it from a browser before launching the site. Does that make sense ?

You may write in the hosts file on your local PC next line:  mccallaraymer.com

And restart computer.

Question: Oh , yea - so that is the only way hu?

the Other way is to add a subdomain on a domain already pointed and check working of site on it. Question about adding temporary domain < / span>is referred to administrator. Please wait.

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