Our services

Free Trial period for hosting

There are a lot of companies in the Internet. And it is natural that you wish to choose the best.
We are ready to prove to you that we provide a high-quality, professional, reliable and fast hosting.
For this purpose we provide you 7 days of the trial period where all services in full will be available to you, except sending letters (restriction 10 email`s per hour works).

Domain as a gift

In case of payment of a hosting for 12 months you can register or prolong it till 6 domains free of charge!!!

Payment delay

All real clients are proposed a delay and a credit programme. If you don`t have enought money to prolong hosting or don`t have time or an popportunity to reach the bank, you can use the delay service..
The delay on a hosting is granted for up to 14 days without percent and any commissions.

Favourable affiliate program

Our affiliate program allows you to gain a good income from your web-project.
For this purpose you need to publish only our link or a banner on your website.
For each paid customer account, followed to us your partner link, you will receive for life 30% of orders.
If the client who followed your link wasn't registered at once, - his cookie would be remain within 30 days. Therefore, having returned on our site (during 30 days) and having been registered, it will be enlisted in your affiliate program.

Templates free of charge

Creation of a site is the laborious and demanding serious design approach work.
We suggest you to reduce your efforts on creation of your project and to choose high quality templates absolutely free of charge! You will find more than 1500 templates made on the professional design level.
Only at us you can receive the site Free of charge (template design) for your site. For this purpose you just need to become our client, and all collection of our templates is at your disposal.

Free support service 24/7

24 hours per day, 7 days a week we are ready to provide you competent consultations and the help in placement, control, service of your project. This service is absolutely free.

Discount at a payment of a hosting

We provide not only service qualitative, fast, reliable, professional hosting, we offer a web hosting at an affordable price.
Also paying for more than six months, you will get a discount.
Paying for a year you will get 15% discount on a hosting and some additional bonuses!