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I have transfered just about all the the DNS for my server but the account markusne / atlantamultimedia > Is missing all the databases in the markusne account. I cannot log into php my admin to that account as well. |
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hello what is databasename? |
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There where quite a few databases there I don`t remember all the names it was a development environment. |
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what site not work? what accoun the owner of the site? |
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Example was establishing a database connection |
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markusne is the owner. |
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you can download backup of accounts on the you ftp backup server server ip login markusne this server have all your backups. please check it |
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I don`t even know how to restore the backups from the ftp or how to restore the databases. |
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I have a meeting this morning I would apretiate it if you would restore the markuene account for me. I don`t have time this morning to do it and clients are on my back. :( |
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plese wait we check your site |
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Thanx allot I am just glad this is almost over. |
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please check works |
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Yes there where many of them in the dev server, not just AHA - there where 12+ databases there. |
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we restored all databases |
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Thank you .. One more question I need to install a ssl, where do I create a CSR ? |
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you need to login as user anc create the ssl request in meny SSL sertifictes |
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Not sure what to put here :Enter the request for the signature of the certificate (CSR): |
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on what user to what domain you need create sertificare? |
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the domain. |
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please wait, we check the |
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Also I found one more domain that is not connecting to the db for you to check and I think we are close. proactive ministries.orguser :proactiveError displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Could not connect to MySQL. |
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please wait , we check the |
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Ok thank you they have some sort of trade show today and are calling me like crazy. |
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Check now |
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Cool thanx!! and the SSL?Should I just purchase first ? |
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Do you want to install SSL? |
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yes I was going to install positive ssl on |
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Do you have an SSL certificate? |
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Well if I am going to buy one I need a CSR first. |
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CSR you can create Be sure to save the key (KEY). The key will be needed to install the SSL certificate |
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OK |
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So I need to send you guys the RSA and CRT when I am done ? |
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-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFVzCCBD+gAwIBAgIQPODFsGJwBRoFQDTOLDIrqjAnbgkqhkig9w0baqsfadcb kDELMAkGA1UEBhMCR0IxGzAZBgNVBAgTekdyzwf0zxigtwfuy2hlc3rlcjeqma4g A1UEBxMHU2FsZm9yZDEaMBgGA1UEChMRq09nt0rpienbiexpbwl0zwqxnja0bgnv BAMTLUNPTU9ETyBSU0EgRG9tYWluIFZhbglkyxrpb24gu2vjdxjlifnlcnzlcibd QTAeFw0xNzA1MTgwMDAwMDBaFw0xODA1mtgymzu5ntlamfuxitafbgnvbastgerv bWFpbiBDb250cm9sIFZhbGlkYXRlZDEUmbiga1uecxmlug9zaxrpdmvtu0wxgjay BgNVBAMTEWJsdWVsaWdodGxhYnMuY29tmiibijanbgkqhkig9w0baqefaaocaq8a MIIBCgKCAQEA9rTzDvpI0NXKMB6PkJyxynrxr7zlia9eohcaw6bcz7lyfhgxkxwg /aITb9XfMZ9zLjxHEjI8oCL+z6DhL5FCU98wxxR4NkUFgHaTU+9n+hikg3EpzVWB YXVGlt+7WXDfkHKqPg7QSTGvxwUAuSOLvdVBPdG6fradmmrhd6zjgasrpq7l5o4i k7mAvrwcdOiN+9IwsfGuXfaEG5q/PPrYtHu2ee+JgAfc8Mz8xt+EChgf2aqSrkWZ 8caGak1KObt3dgdNL+TWKV7BdWERyoNeOzkcxyDcEgZx72WBwk/hCaGLuAZ0vPY8 LLVjCEja4QEn7J4JmZplmQqaepXDXbY1awidaqabo4ib5tccaeewhwydvr0jbbgw FoAUkK9qOpRaC9iQ6hJWc99DtDoo2ucwhqydvr0obbyeff25zfuwq0mb9t/2yW31 Q2Go1xdqMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIFoDAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMB0GA1udjqqwmbqg CCsGAQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjBPBgNVhsaesdbgmdogcysgaqqbsjebagihmcsw KQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWHWh0dHBzOi8vc2Vjdxjllmnvbw9kby5jb20vq1btmaggbmeb DAECATBUBgNVHR8ETTBLMEmgR6BFhkNodhrwoi8vy3jslmnvbw9kb2nhlmnvbs9d T01PRE9SU0FEb21haW5WYWxpZGF0aW9uu2vjdxjlu2vydmvyq0euy3jsmigfbggr BgEFBQcBAQR5MHcwTwYIKwYBBQUHMAKGq2h0dha6ly9jcnquy29tb2rvy2euy29t L0NPTU9ET1JTQURvbWFpblZhbGlkYXRpb25tzwn1cmvtzxj2zxjdqs5jcnqwjayi KwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmNvbw9kb2nhlmnvbtazbgnvhreeldaqghfi bHVlbGlnaHRsYWJzLmNvbYIVd3d3LmJsdwvsawdodgxhynmuy29tma0gcsqgsib3 DQEBCwUAA4IBAQANb8Y2XBNJXKOYaVwM693ijcnu5lzppcm2vcykobc2lig610s8 N9lun7l7DICKOHY0F2Txo8kj+gcieoBidp6S4Q0GmHzsHkgEpUeGSoTU3jiy/irU auaAaLlCYUe/ScLwfPp0AnJWKSoYxpcARTSVqS2YOy6M0jgxisiwklannihsn3tr 7bPRcHv9oTidq3KynlcUjbbWLrL0RkuD6o5vytanjuykplm6fge4coe5ognkd+p0 Mqcf19MAtunesVOeVcE4YSGS8q+x6snq7OuyQ/3BZsBoX6INyZDI0iVHWqGqTQab mw/PlX2WmXw7zB7N5zDvFCJQDtwVLOpzfmz8 -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
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-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END PRIVATE KEY----- |
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Please send an archive with certificates to mail |
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Ok sent thanx |
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install SSL |
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Thank You! Can you guys configure HSTS ? |
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hello what is HSTS ? |
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It appears like a site was not transfered correctly from the old server - - user staffwear ? We need to restore this one |
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hello check please |