Question: |
Databases are missing again from my ispmanager ? |
Answer: |
Hello , where can we see your issue? |
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In Isp manager on right menu I cant see add or edit databases? |
Answer: |
from what user? we see this menu and all data bases |
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this is my menu -- > I don`t see databases Administrators Users Mailboxes, Domains WWW domains E-Mail domains Domain names (DNS) Management Tools File manager Scheduler (cron) Reboot Firewall Services Web-scripts (APS) Maintenance Backup archives Backup plan management User import Spam Filter Dnsbl block lists Blacklist Whitelist Email limit Server Usage Statistics statistics System information Traffic Active sessions Background tasks Action log of the Http server load Server Settings Server parameters IP-addresses Database servers, PHP configuration, PHP extensions, Perl modules, Python modules Applications plugins Presets Other Settings DNS settings Logs rotation Access to modules Brand Favourites settings General settings Panel Extra URL Applications WebMail PhpMyAdmin MindTerm (SSH client) Help License Updates Wish list Error log Help Video tutorials |
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Now I can see . very strange |
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from what user? we see all data bases |
Answer: |
try logout and clear cashe bowser |