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I need to transfer a eCommerce site from old host tonight. I have setup the account and new site but old site has ssl. The site is How fast can you guys install SSL for me ? |
Answer: |
Hello. we need the private key and ssl sertificate to install it to you server |
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Yes I know, How long would it take to install?And what site do I need to use to get a CSR?Can we install before we move the domain name? |
Answer: |
you can create a CSR on after you get private key and ssl sertificane you can install it |
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Will be pointing A record will you guys have to change the IP to install ? |
Answer: |
you need to get sertificate on first. after you install it ro www domain on your server |
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Comodo offers essential infrastructure to enable e-merchants, and other Internet-connected companies, software providers, and individual consumers to interact and conduct business via the Internet safely and securely. Our PKI solutions, including SSL Certificates, EV SSL Certificates, Code Signing Certificates as well as Secure E-Mail Certificates, increase consumer trust in transacting business online, secure information through strong SSL encryption, and satisfy many industry best practices or security compliance requirements.Your EssentialSSL Certificate for in text format (if required):----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFVjCCBD6gAwIBAgIRAI/aa4moYbmINxLlOmKl748wDQYJKoZIhvcnaqelbqaw gZAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQIexjhcmvhdgvyie1hbmnozxn0zxixedao BgNVBAcTB1NhbGZvcmQxGjAYBgNVBAoTeunptu9etybdqsbmaw1pdgvkmtywnayd VQQDEy1DT01PRE8gUlNBIERvbWFpbiBWywxpzgf0aw9uifnly3vyzsbtzxj2zxig Q0EwHhcNMTcwNjIwMDAwMDAwWhcNMTgwnjiwmjm1otu5wjbvmsewhwydvqqlexhe b21haW4gQ29udHJvbCBWYWxpZGF0ZWQxftatbgnvbastdevzc2vudglhbfnttdez MBcGA1UEAxMQc2lwc25zdHJva2VzLmNvbtccasiwdqyjkozihvcnaqebbqadggep ADCCAQoCggEBALa50ahWNLYenWbdBMJD/Wjujnx3vnsd/vyaxQdxGce10YgcjoZ1 LbpPAXVRZmaXL8M1am1MBW57ru/MIQYEg2KwPD3id8XQotIhGPkoy4CXitM6kk43 6VoZ67GOF3wQKMF4msp28kFxOnwaXRMJ3pmfivobhq4vy9yicm1ovvcsnetyhlvx 7QZgHNnYhBLC0AHTmRr10rIYhVSZb3LT4mful75j359duponpbgu36cjzikbw0ut DUkNZ6HqfyIluA7QxfwKJA7qGzrjzP+OOXFNpBF08jdgpkHA2vTfM+AA0ZAyc9yd ZQGtYz13AzcW9qKx8Je7zokxWrkF/t6xIVsCAwEAAaOCAeMwggHfMB8GA1UdIwqy MBaAFJCvajqUWgvYkOoSVnPfQ7Q6KNrnmb0ga1uddgqwbbsh6rlpzz9snvsukpvv Vq7lK5kE5zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwdaydvr0taqh/BAIwADAdBgNVHSUEFjAU BggrBgEFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIwTwYDvr0gbegwrja6bgsrbgeeabixaqicbzar MCkGCCsGAQUFBwIBFh1odHRwczovL3Nly3vyzs5jb21vzg8uy29tl0nquzaibgzn gQwBAgEwVAYDVR0fBE0wSzBJoEegRYZDahr0cdovl2nybc5jb21vzg9jys5jb20v Q09NT0RPUlNBRG9tYWluVmFsaWRhdGlvblnly3vyzvnlcnzlcknblmnybdcbhqyi KwYBBQUHAQEEeTB3ME8GCCsGAQUFBzAChknodhrwoi8vy3j0lmnvbw9kb2nhlmnv bS9DT01PRE9SU0FEb21haW5WYWxpZGF0aw9uu2vjdxjlu2vydmvyq0euy3j0mcqg CCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5jb21vzg9jys5jb20wmqydvr0rbcowkiiq c2lwc25zdHJva2VzLmNvbYIUd3d3LnNpchnuc3ryb2tlcy5jb20wdqyjkozihvcn AQELBQADggEBAEd+Wv0dd7FYwykaDusxVY+2cpDLLKhvE+1aKfPHpn9H/RTCHq5W JmBoY2b1AIqbBYeqGAo+rsRfZ5HfAwlDi63o3lY54MQAAIonS7qsiblywh7rasll gsfph/TqLpXAqHgrYhNuogzSmYNPNaEr4cA1c6e1jjbqemfvxmcxayasb95n0wqd /BM85XWKxK2+dnwX8Ll5gyBMvX8p+nrwlqF+d4odYjDAlPDcKj9pzVZQbZBS8cFW UxWBXkeDhf9wv6xHrLrOEbWTOk30CGZujcmsupounzo406hdwrbmpcxc41q7ijmg cI8YiusL/mNAj0Vl1OqJoKE858JvEavg57E= ----- END CERTIFICATE----- |
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-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END PRIVATE KEY----- |
Answer: |
need private key |
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It is right under the -----END CERTIFICATE----- in chat? |
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need: Certificate Certificate chain Key |
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Would you like me to send the zip ? |
Answer: |
yes, you can upload the zip |
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Ok I have added it to root dir |
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I am pointing site tonight around 9pm my time so let me know if I need to do anything else. |
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install Certificate |
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It is installed ? I am good now? |
Answer: |
Yes, the certificate is installed |
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Thank you so much I assumed we had to get a dedicated IP for it to work. M. |
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To transfer the domain to IP |
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No my question is will the ssl work on the shared IP ? |
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Yes, it will work. But when entering domains that do not have an SSL certificate on the IP address of, the site |
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Strange I added to my hosts file and got This page isn`t you redirected too many times.Try clearing your cookies.ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS |
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Are you guys around - I have added to my host file then in wordpress I added for wordpress but get This page isnt you redirected too many times.Try clearing your cookies.ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS |
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Page work: |
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Yes that is the old site - I have not set the A record yet |
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set the redirect to your server |
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I am still having an issue with this ssl, I can`t move point the domain till it is working correctly. I have changed my hosts.txt file for to shared IP and set wordpress to https and I get re-direct errors.It works fine with http but not https-I don`t know what the issue is. |
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are you new install site or site moved? what is the domain of the site be the first? |
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I have a new wordpress site on a shared IP with you - you guys installed a ssl certificate on the domain yesterday. I have not pointed the domain because when I test I get ssl errors |
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you transfer site ? |
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I have not pointed the A record yet I wanted to test it firstSo I set my local hosts.txt file to to demo ip And I get wordpress redirect error I can`t point to old site till it works. |
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how you moved site? check error and file .htaccess |